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2026? Neuheit: Universal Family Resort (neuer Familienpark mit Hotel) @ Frisco - Texas


CF Guru
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Universal plant in den USA wohl kleinere, auf bestimmte Zielgruppen fokussierte Parks. Nach diesem Bericht soll ein Park für Familien mit (kleineren) Kindern auf 39 Hektar in Frisco, Texas, einem Vorort nördlich von Dallas entstehen. Vorgesehen sind Rides, Shows, Meet and Greets und ein Hotel:


Darüberhinaus ist ein ganzjähriger Horror-Park auf einem acht Hektar Grundstück (Area 15) in Las Vegas geplant:



Mario M.

CF Team News
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Universal hat ein Artwork zum neuen Resort in Frisco geteilt:

Hier geht´s zum Tweet auf Twitter

Ich denke das hat sich einen eigenen Thread verdient :) werde ich gleich in einen neuen Thread kopieren...

Edit: Jetzt war Volker so schnell mit editieren, das ich mit dem erstellen des neuen Threads kaum hinterher kam... :D

Ich denke auch ein kleiner Universalpark verdient sich einen eigenen Thread :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Der Bürgermeister der Stadt Frisco hat einige/häufig gestellte Fragen zum Projekt auf Facebook beantwortet :)

Fläche: 39 Hektar, davon 12 für den Park und das Hotel mit 300 Zimmern, der Rest für Parkplätze und eine mögliche Erweiterung
Zielgruppe: 3-9 Jahre alt
Attraktionen: Keine "dark" rides, keine große Achterbahn (max. 12-15m hoch)

Ich denke er schließt mit dem "dark" eher gruselige Attraktionen aus, nicht generell Darkrides

FAQ - Bürgermeister der Stadt Frisco schrieb:
We are appreciative of all of the engagement we have received on the proposed Universal project as well as the many residents who want to really dig in to learn more about the project. Below is a compiling of our FAQs and responses.

Project Scope:
• 97 acres - For perspective, 97 acres is almost as big as Warren Sports Complex, which spans 105 acres.
o 30acres ( of the 97) - Dedicated to the park and 300-room hotel designed for families
o Remaining acreage – Dedicated to parking, potential expansion
o Quarter of size ‘traditional’ UniversalPark–Quarter of the size of ‘Hollywood’ or quarter of the size of one ‘Orlando’ park
o Location: East of DNT, North of Panther Creek. ‘Triangle’ shape property within ‘Fields’ development.
• Target audience: 3 – 9 years old. (Adults, older siblings are welcome
– but the ‘target’ audience is ages 3 – 9 and rides will be designed for younger children.)
• New ‘Universal’ concept - ‘One-of-a-kind’ theme park, ‘immersive lands.’ No characters known at this time.
• Hours of Operation: Park will not open earlier than 8 a.m. or close later than 9 p.m. Deed also allows for 20 special events annually, with closing hours no later than 10 p.m.
o Anticipated Hours: 10a.m.–6p.m. weekdays; 10a.m.–7p.m., weekends
EXISTING ZONING: Currently zoned for mixed-use, more ‘density’ than a theme park.
• Fields ‘Preliminary’ Master Plan slated property for apartments, office, retail (Est. 1,500 apts., 1.9 million sq. ft of
office, 46K sq. ft. retail) which would have generated 5 times more traffic “coming-going” during peak commuter
• On a ‘typical day’, the mixed-use development would have generated 4 times more traffic than the theme park, now
proposed by Universal.
• The theme park’s anticipated opening hour of 10 a.m. will not compete with commuter rush hour traffic.
REZONING (Restrictions): Height, noise, screening and hours of operation will be considered as the proposed project moves through the Specific Use Permit (SUP) process. Newspaper notification will be published on Sunday, January 22 for a February 7 Public Hearing meeting with both City Council and Planning and Zoning.
• 7,500 visitors – weekdays
• 20,000 visitors – Saturdays
Worth noting: These numbers note people – not vehicles – and does not include employees. Average estimate of 3.2 people per car
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
• City of Frisco required Universal to conduct TIA for the zoning case.
• Universal hired Kimley Horn to conduct the TIA because Kimley Horn ‘knows Frisco’ and has done a ‘lot of work’ here.
• TIA remains in DRAFT form; City engineering services is reviewing (As of 1/19/23)
• Approximately 100 pages – will include microscopic simulation, i.e. video of ‘how it will work’ coming off DNT.
Timeline: TIA work started at least 1 month ago
TRAFFIC COMPARISON: Developed by City Traffic Engineers and notes the following:
• Both HEB, Costco properties could ‘fit’ on Universal site and generate “...a lot more traffic” during weekdays
• Collin College property is smaller than Universal but generates more traffic during weekdays
• Stonebriar Centre property is (bit) bigger but generates est. 7 times more traffic on weekdays, 4 times more on
• Worth noting: No traffic analysis for the proposed Universal project used ‘Pandemic’ year information.
• Visitors use: Fields Parkway, opposite neighborhood bordering Panther Creek Parkway
• Employees use: Frisco Street
Hotel patrons use: Panther Creek Parkway
• ‘Significant’ - City working to determine investment in roadway construction, improvements
• New roadway projects, already underway for other developments (PGA, Fields)
• Roadway Improvements currently underway (prior to Universal announcement):
o Fields bridge
o Panther Creek – DNT to Preston
o Legacy Drive
o Fields Parkway
• DNT – City doesn’t control DNT – but will be working to make sure traffic does not ‘backup’ on ramps
• Does not ‘target’ teens, adults
• No late-night hours
• No big buildings (Hotel will be 4 – 5 stories)
No ‘dark’ rides (Note; Doesn't rule out indoor attractions as a whole)
No fireworks
• No ‘tall’ roller coasters (40 – 50 feet maximum ‘family coaster’)
• For young children, 3 – 9
• Family friendly hours: 10 – 6 weekdays, 10 – 7 weekends
• Features Character ‘Meet and Greets’
• Hotel designed for families, 4-5 stories
• In-ward thinking environment: Focus on ‘inside’ – not ‘outside’
o Each ‘land’ will have very ‘lush’ landscaping (taken to ‘next level’)
o Double landscaping, berm will screen neighborhood from theme park
o Universal goal: Put the ‘Park’ back in park
o Places provided to ‘get out of heat’
‘Family Coasters’ – 40 – 50 feet, max
PUBLIC VOTE: (Why can’t public vote on project?)

• The public cannot vote on zoning cases.
• However – the public can comment during the ‘Citizen Input’ portion of public meetings, i.e. Planning & Zoning
and City Council and during the public hearings associated with the zoning case.
PUBLIC INPUT: Universal has shared it plans to host additional community meetings where residents can learn more and ask questions. Tentative dates under consideration are January 30 or January 31.
TAXES: (Will taxes go up?)
• Sales tax: City anticipates a positive increase (net) in sales tax revenue for Frisco
• Property tax: Staff recommends, City Council approves a property tax rate each year in September. Worth
noting: The tax rate has been consistent at $.4466 since FY18 – and Frisco has a reputation for having one of the most reasonable, competitive (low) tax rates in North Texas.
o A homeowner’s property tax bill may be impacted if the homeowner’s property value increased despite a ‘flat’ tax rate.
• Development Agreement is being negotiated – but No Public-Private-Partnership at this time
• Any incentives would be ‘performance based’
CRIME: NO increase anticipated – per Chief, FPD
• Based on target audience (3 – 9), hours of operation
PUBLIC TRANSPORATION: Not planned. No ‘light rail’.

• Will be shared by Universal in the future
Project in ‘beginning stages’ of city review process
o Like any development project, city review begins when plans are submitted.

via Quelle

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Der Bürgermeister von Frisco (Jeff Cheney) hofft, dass der erste Spatenstich noch bis zum Jahresende erfolgt, dann wäre eine Eröffnung im Jahr 2026 realistisch.



CF Guru
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Universal hat den Namen des neuen Parks bekannt gegeben:


Es gibt auch ein neues Artwork, das sich durchaus vom ersten (siehe oben) unterscheidet:


Der ursprüngliche Entwurf zeigte das DreamWorks-Logo über dem Parkeingang. Durch die Ergänzung mit SpongeBob wären jedoch nicht mehr alle IPs des Parks von DreamWorks, so dass das Logo wohl deshalb verschwunden ist. Stattdessen gibt es nun ein Hotel über dem Eingang des Parks.

Die gemutmaßten Länder im Uhrzeigersinn von links nach rechts sind "Trolls" (rosa), "Shrek" (grün), "Puss in Boots" (orange), "Camp Cretaceous" (blau-lila) und "SpongeBob SquarePants" (blau-grün), mit einem Minions-Land in der Mitte und "Gabby's Dollhouse" in der Nähe des Eingangs.

Das Dach der Krusty Krab aus "SpongeBob SquarePants" ist im blau getönten Land, das voller Wasserflächen ist (die vorher links oben vorgesehen waren), deutlich sichtbar. "Trolls", "Shrek" und "Camp Cretaceous" waren alle schon im ursprünglichen Konzeptentwurf enthalten, wurden aber neu angeordnet.


Mario M.

CF Team News
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Drohnenaufnahmen von Anfang August - man erkennt schon deutlich die Zufahrtsstraße:

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Nun lassen sich die ersten Fundamente für Attraktionen (u.a. die Familienachterbahn) erkennen:

Screenshot aus dem Video: