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QuelleNew Dreamworld ride a real Buzz
WHILE I'm no adrenaline junkie, in fact I'm quite a sook when it comes to rides, the scream machine is certainly a fitting way to describe Dreamworld's newest thrill ride the BuzzSaw.
The Gold Coast Bulletin was at the theme park today to test the ride before it opens tomorrow to the public.
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The 50 second ride starts being seated in an open carriage for 12 and brave participants are held in by a single waist harness leaving the upper body fully exposed with little to cling on to.
The sounds of chainsaw starts and the carriage zooms off on a 46m vertical ascent.
By this stage I was certainly wishing I was back on the ground.
At its peak riders are flipped and dangled upside-down 15 storeys in the air before the carriage free-falls through a 360 degree heart roll and plummets down a final vertical drop at speeds of up to 105kmh.
The carriage then flies through the launch station and sends you on a lightning fast series of ascents and descents in a rocking motion.
Out of nowhere the carriage is then caught in mid-air and brought back down to safety.
BuzzSaw is the first menacing ride guests can spot as they arrive in the main car park.
You must be taller than 130cm to ride.
Auch hier nochmal:
Der australische Park Dreamworld, der gerade mit Steel Taipan einen Launch Coaster von Mack Rides baut, hat seine Jahreskartenbesitzer informiert, dass BuzzSaw, der Sky Loop von Maurer, schließen wird. Der letzte Betriebstag wird der 31. August sein!
Anhang anzeigen 1257575
Hier ein paar Bilder der Bahn, die ich bei meinem Parkbesuch 2014 aufgenommen habe
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