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Six Flags expandiert nach Asien

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Der Markenname Six Flags soll mit Hilfe einer Investment Gruppe nun auch auf dem asiatischen Markt Fuß fassen :)
Six Flags-Branded Theme Parks to Open in China

Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX), the world's largest regional theme park company, and Riverside Investment Group Co. Ltd., a leading real estate developer in China, announced today a new strategic partnership to build multiple Six Flags-branded theme parks in China over the next decade.

"Our international expansion strategy is focused on finding the right partners in the right markets, and Riverside Investment Group will be the perfect strategic partner for us in China," said Jim Reid-Anderson, Chairman, President and CEO of Six Flags Entertainment. "We are honored to be working with this world-class organization as we continue taking the Six Flags brand to growing markets outside North America."
"We are honored to enter this strategic relationship with Six Flags and expand the entertainment offerings in China," said Chairman Li of Riverside Investment Group. "We are confident this world-class brand and unique form of entertainment will attract millions of guests to our parks."

Terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.

About Six Flags Entertainment Corporation
Six Flags Entertainment Corporation is the world's largest regional theme park company with $1.1 billion in revenue and 18 parks across the United States, Mexico and Canada. For 53 years, Six Flags has entertained millions of families with world-class coasters, themed rides, thrilling water parks and unique attractions including up-close animal encounters, Fright Fest® and Holiday in the Park®. For more information, visit www.sixflags.com.

About Riverside Investment Group Co. Ltd.

Riverside Investment Group Co. Ltd. was registered in Canada in 1997. With China's fast-developing cultural and tourism industries and urbanization process, Riverside Group has become a leading real estate developer, focusing on overall health care, tourism, culture, entertainment industries and high-end residential buildings. It is also an investor, constructor and operator of middle and high-end communities, participating in the whole industrial chain from planning and design to construction, business attraction and operation.

Riverside Group's projects are twice the recipient of the UN International Garden Community Gold Award, best represented by its world-class R&D, the pursuit of perfection, the respect to culture and the inheritance of civilization, all of which make it the leader in China's real estate industry. For more information, visit www.lvcgroup.com.



Fastpass Besitzer
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Na hoffentlich klappt es in Asien besser als damals in Europa.
Also ich glaube das der asiatische Markt eigentlich mit den ständigen neuen Parks kein Platz mehr hat für Six Flags.
Aber ich lasse mich gerne überraschen.


CF Guru
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Ich hab da so die selbe Meinung wie americancosterfan. Es bauen grad mehrere Gruppen extrem viele Freizeitparks in Asien bzw. China. Six Flags hätte vorher da mit anfangen müssen. Auch ich hoffe, dass es nicht so endet wie mit den jetzigen Walibi-Parks. Erstmal auf die kacke heuen, Achterbahnen bauen und dann den Park aufgeben...


CF Guru
Mitglied seit
Six Flags has entertained millions of families with world-class coasters, themed rides, thrilling water parks

Six Flags ist ja schon immer für seine exzessiv gethemeten Rides bekannt gewesen :D
Sonst kann ich mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschließen; der chinesische Markt ist zwar groß aber es gibt genug Konkurrenz. Gerade Happy Valley bietet gute Rides mit Theming und die Wanda Gruppe klotzt eher statt zu kleckern, wenn man die Rides ansieht die sie bauen wollen, mit Theming wohlgemerkt. Ob Six Flags da mithalten kann...

LG Daniel

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Also ich glaube das der asiatische Markt eigentlich mit den ständigen neuen Parks kein Platz mehr hat für Six Flags. Aber ich lasse mich gerne überraschen.

Das sehe ich aber anders ;)

Bis 2020 werden in China wohl noch ca. 50 neue Parks eröffnen! Die holen momentan mächtig auf :eek:

wantchinatimes.com schrieb:
59 theme parks to be built in China by 2020

China is slated to build 59 theme parks and five water parks by 2020 with total investments of US$23.8 billion, expected to attract 166.3 million people, a scale far exceeding the United States and Japan, Chinese-language Beijing Business Today reports, citing global engineering firm AECOM.

The market is relatively immature, however, compared to the US and Japan, and most of the nation's theme park developers focus more on the value of the enclosed land for the parks.

From 2012-2013, 14 theme parks opened offices in China, AECOM said.

According to the firm's statistics the US has fewer than 40 theme parks, Japan has more than 30, while China has 40 times the amount of the two countries combined.

Most of the construction focuses on the model of "parks plus properties," aiming partially to develop the property market.

Chinese theme parks received 180 million of tourists in 2013, up 6% from 2012.

By 2025, the nation's theme parks could receive 320 million tourists, surpassing the US, according to statistics from the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA).

According to an unnamed executive of a property and hotel management company in Hainan, the 1990s was the peak of China's theme park development, with more than 2,500 theme parks being completed from 1990-1994, but over the past 10 years, 80% of the theme parks closed down, resulting in economic losses of 300 billion yuan (US$48 billion). Currently, only 10% of the surviving theme parks are profitable, 20% are breaking even, while 70% of them are losing money.

Tourism industry insider Xu Fan said less than 10% of China's theme parks are profitable.

It costs lots of money and requires a long period of investment before any returns to develop a theme park. China typically sets a profit return period of two to three years for a theme park, faster than the six to eight years taken internationally. Theme parks, therefore, ignore the importance of regular transformation, which creates a vicious cycle of theme park development.



CF Guru
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Es sollen wohl 10 Parks unter dem Namen Six Flags eröffnen, wobei der erste in 4 Jahren (2018) eröffnen soll.
Ein Park soll wohl in Tianjin in China eröffnen und folgende Achterbahnen bekommen

55m Inverted Coaster, 50m Wooden Coaster, 45m Launched Coaster and 40m Ball Coaster.

Six Flags China Coaster Line Up and More Parks. | Vertical Horizons

Gruß Steffen

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Six Flags wagt den nächsten Schritt in Asien!

Neben dem schon bestehenden Projekt in Tianjin wurden nun Verträge für einen zweiten Park unterzeichnet :)


VHCoaster Facebook schrieb:
Big news today as Six Flags have signed a deal to work on a second park in China. Following on from the already confirmed Tianjin park a new park will be built in Haiyan between the cities of Hangzhou and Ningbo and a short train ride south of Shanghai. John Odum the Senior Vice President of Six Flags was there to sign a cooperation framework with the intention of opening a park with partners from Riverside Investment Group and local government officials.
It's still early days but this is an interesting move for Six Flags moving in to an area which already has Happy Valley and up and coming Disney and Fantawild projects within easy reach.

Quelle via Quelle


CF Guru
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Liegt es an mir oder sehen fast alle Artworks im asiatischen Bereich gleich aus, egal von welcher Parkgruppe?

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Für den Park gibt es sogar schon eine offizielle Homepage:
Sixflags - Haiyan

Das angepasste Six Flags Logo sieht so aus:

Von der Homepage stammen auch die ersten Artworks...

Auf einer Karte ist dort auch die genaue Lage des Parks gekennzeichnet:


Mario M.

CF Team News
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Bereits am 4. Januar fand die Grundsteinlegung statt:

sixflags.com schrieb:
Ground Breaking Ceremony
January 4, 2016

Ground was officially broken today on the 30 billion yuan (USD $4.6 billion) real estate development that is to include the first Six Flags park in China, Six Flags Haiyan.
The resort that includes Six Flags Haiyan was the biggest of 11 major projects that broke ground in Zhejiang projects, and because of its unique nature as the only large-scale integration cultural tourism project garnered a significant amount of attention. It is expected to create over 100,000 jobs and attract over 12 million visitors per year.

The first piece of the development will be the new 234 million yuan (USD $36 million) exhibition center which will cover over 3800 acres and is scheduled for completion by the end of 2016. The Six Flags theme park is expected to open in 2019.



Fastpass Besitzer
Mitglied seit
Liegt das nicht eher daran das es Artworks sind?

Aber sieht mm schon Gut aus. Hätte ich von Six Flags nicht erwartet...

Es liegt vielleicht daran, dass sie für diese Darstellungen nur einen Grafiker haben?:p
Denn im Stil ähneln sich diese Artworks wirklich untereinander sehr.