Another interesting development has come up regarding Darien Lake’s Boomerang roller coaster. Images of a second shipment from Vekoma from China have been found online, this one with an arrival date of 3/19 (compared to the first one which was 3/16). This second shipment claims to have two more pieces of roller coaster track, but these two pieces weigh almost as much of the three previous ones combined. So that’s five new pieces of track so far, which makes me wonder if even more are on the way, or perhaps any more surprises, like a new train.
Another reader shared some insight into the process, going back in history a little bit to when Morey’s Piers replaced some track and more on their Boomerang in 2020. From what I’m told they replaced the track from the exit of the vertical loop up through the second lift hill, plus replaced the ride’s control system and added a new train. That particular upgrade which also started in the Spring, kept their Boomerang down until early August, so depending on how things go, SFDL’s Boomer may be down longer than expected, depending on the extent of the renovation.