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Laut --->diesem Artikel<--- plant Disney eine neue filmbasierte Attraktion zu einem Blockbuster Film. Diese soll wohl im Jahr 2024 eröffnen und Teil des 2,1 Milliarden Euro schweren 10 Jahres (bis 2026) Investintionsplans sein.
Ist zwar noch eine lange Zeit bis dahin, aber ein Thread kann ja nie schaden.
Was wünscht ihr euch für eine Attraktion?
Viele vermissen ja eine Wasserattraktion in den Parks
forbes.com schrieb:Euro Disney Planning Blockbuster New Attraction For 2024
Theme park operator Euro Disney has revealed that it plans to open “a major new attraction” in 2024 as part of a $2.4 billion (€2.1 billion) investment drive following the takeover of the French resort by media giant The Walt Disney Company.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the resort on the outskirts of Paris. It is Europe’s most-visited tourist attraction with 13.4 million guests streaming through its ornate iron gates last year. The complex comprises seven on-site hotels, two convention centres, a 27-hole golf course and two parks – the Walt Disney Studios and the fairytale-themed flagship Disneyland Paris.
Their parent company Euro Disney was listed on the Euronext exchange until June when Disney took full ownership of the company in a $2.30 (€2) a share offer.
As part of its preparation for the takeover Euro Disney produced a new ten-year forecast to 2026 and its filings state that “capital expenditure included in the business plan represents a total of €2.1 billion over the period. This includes in particular the renovation of two hotels and attractions, as well as a major new attraction in 2024.”
Ist zwar noch eine lange Zeit bis dahin, aber ein Thread kann ja nie schaden.
Was wünscht ihr euch für eine Attraktion?
Viele vermissen ja eine Wasserattraktion in den Parks